Joe Biden Deepfake – Unmasking Robocall Incident

person in brown pants standing near blue and white big big big rock signage
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and cybersecurity, a recent Joe Biden deepfake incident involving an audio robocall purporting to be from President has raised significant concerns. This event underscores the growing sophistication of AI-enabled fraud and the critical challenges it poses to both individuals and authorities.

The Rise of Audio Deepfakes in Political Manipulation

Authorities in New Hampshire embarked on a meticulous investigation to trace the origins of a fraudulent robocall that misleadingly presented itself as a message from President Biden. The call, which was artificially generated using advanced AI technologies, aimed to dissuade registered Democrats from participating in the state’s primary election on January 23, by employing one of Biden’s well-known phrases, “What a bunch of malarkey.”

The investigation led to Nomorobo, a subsidiary of Telephone Science Corp., renowned for its robust robocall blocking service. By analyzing 41 samples of the fake Biden calls, Nomorobo extrapolated that between 5,000 and 25,000 such calls were made, targeting voters with the intention of influencing electoral participation.

Tracing the Source: A Multi-State Effort

The effort to identify the source of these calls revealed that they were not confined to New Hampshire. Instances of these robocalls reached voters in Texas, Massachusetts, and other states, prompting a broader legal investigation that could involve multiple state attorneys general. The initial probe traced the calls back to a Texas-based company, highlighting the cross-state challenges in addressing and mitigating such deceptive practices.

The Role of AI in Facilitating Fraud

The incident brings to light the double-edged sword of AI advancements. While AI offers transformative potential across industries, it also enables fraudsters to create highly convincing deepfakes for nefarious purposes. The technology used to generate the Biden deepfake was attributed to ElevenLabs, an AI startup, which has since taken action against the creator. This episode is not an isolated event; it reflects a growing trend where AI’s capabilities are exploited to execute sophisticated scams and misinformation campaigns.

Implications for Future Elections and Corporate Security

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities associated with AI technologies and the imperative for ongoing vigilance and innovation in cybersecurity measures. As AI-generated voice cloning becomes more accessible and cost-effective, the potential for misuse in political contexts and beyond is substantial. The case also echoes a broader concern about deepfake technologies in corporate espionage, as illustrated by a separate incident in Hong Kong where a company was defrauded of $25 million through a deepfake scam.


The fraudulent Biden robocall incident marks a critical point in the discourse on AI and cybersecurity. It highlights the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to detect, prevent, and respond to AI-enabled fraud. As we navigate this complex landscape, collaboration among tech companies, law enforcement, and policymakers will be paramount in safeguarding democratic processes and corporate integrity against the insidious threat of deepfakes.

Sources: Bloomberg, CNN, Other